Our students are satisfied and happy to our tutoring services. Most of them get better grades in class, got A score and enter their desired university/campus.
Indeks jadi meningkat, jadi lebih paham materi, bisa ngerjain soal HOTS, IP tentu jadi naik jauh bgt.
FTSL ITB 2019ELC helped me to understand the concepts in calculus and physics.
STEI ITB 2020Tutornya baik-baik dan menjelaskan materi dengan cara yang mudah tapi tetap menekankan konsep sehingga mempermudah saya dalam memahami materi dan mengerjakan ujian
SAPPK ITB 2022In class, the lecturer usually focus more on explaining the materials. ELC really helps to mentor on direct question about materials explained.
FMIPA-M ITB 2022ELC helped me get through a lot of assignments and tests because the tutors taught me very well to understand the concepts of each subject so that I was better prepared to answer various types of lecturer questions
FTSL ITB 2022ELC tutors are very patient and they really teach every material thoroughly and in a sistematic way. They created a comfortable learning experience too, so I never feel ashamed or scared to ask questions. So far ELC has helped me through all of my TPB tests pretty well.
FTI ITB 2022Alhamdulillah IP saya naik pesat. Beberapa matkul indeksnya naik. Dan ada satu matkul yg saya tidak yakin dapat A, Alhamdulillah dapat A berkat les di ELC
FTMD ITB 2022Les di ELC membantu saya dalam memahami materi kuliah karena pilihan jadwal dan tutornya fleksibel, jadi lesnya bisa lebih sesuai kebutuhan dan cara belajar kita.
STEI ITB 2021I think ELC help me a lot to get me a bettter grade
FTTM ITB 2021Ikut les di ELC membuat saya menjadi paham berbagai konsep untuk menjawab suatu soal dan materi. Dengan mengikuti les di ELC juga membuat saya jadi tidak malas belajar dan menjadi motivasi saya untuk belajar
FTTM ITB 2020Qualified tutors, concept based explanations, challenging practice questions
FMIPA ITB 2020ELC has a lot of good tutor and material sources to help the student in learning the subject.
FITB ITB 2019I couldnt really pay attention in my classes because I cant study if theres too many people in the room so I really rely on ELC for my study, it turns out that I am more comfortable to study in ELC rather than in class
SBM ITB 2022Membantu menjawab soal yang belum bisa dijawab
Tek. Kimia UGM 2022ELC membantu saya dalam mempersiapkan ujian-ujian
Tek. Mesin UGM 2022Belajar di ELC seru banget. Kakak kakak pengajarnya sangat berpengalaman dan super perhatian mau ngejelasin dengan sabar dan berulang kali. Cara menjelaskannya juga mudah dipahami dan banyak latihan soal yang di kasih sesuai materi kuliah dasar
Biologi UGM 2021First of all, the course helped me to understand earlier (before the class) about the material. I also got many ways to solve my homework which I didn't know about the way I have to do it. Last, I also prepared for the exams because of the course.
Sistem Informasi UI 2022ELC tutors were very understanding and patient tutor, they helped us understand hard concepts
Matematika UI 2022Pemahaman tentang materi menjadi lebih mendalam, lebih bisa menyelesaikan model-model soal, terutama UTS dan UAS
Ilmu Aktuaria UI 2022ELC is helping me to recall my memory about the subjects that given in the class
Tek. Mesin UI 2022I see tutoring as a time to study because I don't want 24 hours of my day goes something like: classes, tutoring, self study. By tutoring we can review or advance in the material and luckily the tutors of ELC can explain the concept of the material clearly so I did not only get like answers to homeworks but also understand the what to do and the concept of the materials.
Teknik Industri UI 2020ELC sangat baik untuk menunjang kita terutama mahasiswa baru untuk bisa mengerti materi yang nantinya akan dipelajari dan juga tips dan trick saat mengerjakan tugas
Teknik Lingkungan UI 2020I love learning with ELC because I can understand the lesson and I get a good score. Without ELC, I cant pass this semester
Teknik Elektro UI 2020Sangat membantu, apalagi menjelang ujian. Materi-materi juga dijelaskan secara konseptual sehingga mudah dipahami
Teknik Industri UI 2020At the beginning I'm a freshman who doesn't know anything about my major and got stuck in it. Then I met ELC, I felt like I found a hidden gem because previously I was very frustrated with my major but now I can understand the material and more excited to learn
Instrumentasi UNIBRAW 2021The tutors are great teachers and they are the reason I understand the materials needed.
SMAN 5 SurabayaSangat membantu, apalagi menjelang ujian. Materi-materi juga dijelaskan secara konseptual sehingga mudah dipahami
FTI ITB 2020Bergabung di ELC benar-benar membantu tahun pertama aku, khususnya pelajaran dasar yang susah. Semua materi dan penguasaan konsep yang diajarkan ELC sangat baik dan relevan dengan soal ujian. Pengajarnya juga seru dan friendly
FTTM ITB 2018Penjelasan dari tutor ELC mudah dipahami,sangat membantu aku dalam mempersiapkan kuis dan ujian.Tutornya juga ramah dan memberikan banyak tips dalam mengerjakan soal
Salsabila Yunaini
SBM ITB 2023I feel that during the course I gained a lot of knowledge and learning strategies that benefited me. ELC uses learning methods that are easy to understand and emphasize more on concepts so that physics, chemistry, and mathematics lessons become easier. This course exceeds my expectations significantly^^.
FITB ITB 2019Membantu banget karena di kelas gak bisa nanya-nanya sebebas di les
STEI ITB 2018Membantu banget buat belajar persiapan UTS sama kuis.. Dan setiap les, itu materinya diulas dari dasar banget jadi ngerti
STEI ITB 2019Belajar di ELC sangat menyenangkan dan membantu saya dalam mehami konsep mafiki di perkuliahan. Para tutor juga sangat berkompeten dan menguasai materi dengan sangat baik sehingga saya dapat mudah menyerap materi yang disampaikan.
FITB ITB 2020With professional young teachers, they explained the classes in a fun way therefore i, as a student enjoy the class and understand the class as well. If i do not understand some of the things they explained, they would explain it in a simpler way so i could understand.
A Level, HomeschoolingELC helps me a lot in understanding the lesson i learned in university. The tutors are really really good at explaining and teaching. Will definitely recommend ELC to help you study.
FITB ITB 2020ELC sangat baik dalam membantu saya mendapatkan nilai lebih baik dan dalam memahami konsep.
FTTM ITB 2019ELC membantu saya mengerti konsep-konsep dasar yang kurang dipahami secara ringkas.
FTI ITB 2019It helps me to understand the lesson, especially in Chemistry and Math. I have a big problem in Chemistry, but I have pass the exam, and I think my score were not bad.
SAPPK ITB 2019ELC help me understand the concept to the subject and help to get good grade in exam.
STEI ITB 2020Les sebelum ujian itu sangat membantu saya di saat ujiannya karena materi yang diberikan masih teringat
FITB ITB 2020Thankyou ELC for helping me get the best score
FTI ITB 2020Bagus banget, ga rugi ikut tutoring ELC
FTTM ITB 2020The explanation from the tutor is easy to understand, I hardly paid attention in class so I always left behind. But since I knew the tutor will explain to me better, I never worried about not paying attention in class.
FTI ITB 2019Honestly, ELC has helped me to courage my understanding on mafiki subjects
FTTM ITB 2020Saat belajar di ELC banyak sekali hal hal baru yang saya dapatkan selain dari dosen. Dan tutor tutor yang sangat baik
FTTM ITB 2020Karena ambil paket liburan, jadinya lebih siap buat belajar materi di kelas
FTSL ITB 2020ELC membantu saya dalam lebih memahami materi yang kurang saya pahami di kelas dan juga tutor yang menjelaskan dengan baik
FITB ITB 2020Di ELC tutornya baik baik, membantu banget buat ngerti materi, tutornya juga bisa ditanya kapan aja jadi gaperlu khawatir, selain itu juga tutornya pada sabar dan mau mengulang walaupun berkali kali
SF ITB 2020ELC selama ini nyobain tempat les ELC cukup bagus buat ngertiin pelajaran.
FTI ITB 2019ELC punya tutor yang bagus banget. Kakak tutornya ramah, baik, dan yg pasti udah ahli sama materinya. Semester 2 ini saya ingin meningkatkan pemahaman, alhamdulillah terwujud berkat bantuan tutor ELC. Nyesel kenapa gak dari semester 1 yaa.. Terima kasih banyak ^_^
Annisa Lilis
SITH-S ITB 2019ELC make a better way to understand the concept and solving questions.
SF ITB 2019Deeper understanding of concepts had surely helped me to keep up in class and be more prepared on exams.
FTI ITB 2019ELC bantu saya agar bisa belajar fokus selain waktu kelas, kadang bantu memahami dalam mengerjakan pr juga. kakak tutornya juga asik dan bagus dalam menjelaskan materi hingga saya paham.
Anisa Nabila
FMIPA ITB 2019I think the tutor really do a great job in teaching so that I can understand the materials.
STEI ITB 2019It helped me to have better understanding in Mathematics and Physics. It also helped me review the material from the class before.
STEI ITB 2019Helpful
FTTM ITB 2019The tutor give a good explanation for each material so we can learn the subject at college easily and faster
FTTM ITB 2019ELC really help me to understand the concept, not only how to solve the question, so I can solve the exam well.
FTSL ITB 2019ELC membantu saya dalam memahami perkuliahan di ITB khususnya matkul mafiki. Tutornya sangat handal dalam menjawab soal sehingga ketika saya kesulitan dalam mengerjakan soal tutor ELC dapat mengatasi semua jenis soal baik soal uts ataupun tutor.
FTI ITB 2019It is actually good especially for student like me who does not fully understand the materials in class and need more guide in order to solve hard questions, also it is nice to be taught by fun tutors.
FITB ITB 2019ELC membantu saya memahami dan mengejar materi yang tertinggal di kuliah sehingga saya lebih siap untuk menghadapi ujian. Tutor-tutornya sangat seru dan asik sehingga mudah mengerti materi yang diberikan.
FTTM ITB 2020Gurunya pintar-pintar dan seru. Yang diajarkan sesuai dengan apa yang dipelajari, sehingga sangat membantu untuk memahami pelajaran di kelas. Sebelum ikut ELC, saya tidak percaya diri dengan kemampuan akademik saya. Setelah ikut ELC untuk 2 semester, dapat terlihat jelas peningkatan dalam akademik saya.
FTTM ITB 2019Saya kadang dikampus agak kurang fokus, sehingga ada materi yang tertinggal. Tapi dengan bantuan tutor ELC saya dapat mengejar ketertinggalan.
SBM ITB 2022Bagus, bermanfaat
SBM ITB 2023I got a better understanding from the material and helped me when I want faced the exam
Wira Dharma
SBM ITB 2023Dengan les di ELC saya bisa mengerjakan tutor, quiz, tugas discussion group, dan ujian dengan baik
SBM ITB 2023I was able to get consistent A for my Math Course for Semester 2
SBM ITB 2021ELC provides us with top-notch tutors.
Grade 9, Bandung Independent SchoolELC provides us with top-notch tutors.
Grade 10, Bandung Independent SchoolGood
FTI ITB 2020I really enjoyed the tutoring program. The teachers are knowledgeable and committed to help me learn. They are great at explaining a topic and use fantastic resources and teaching materials to make sure I understand. I have progressed a much faster rate than I did in school in Australia and I understand what I am learning with much greater understanding. I would definitely recommend the tutoring program to others
IGCSE, HomeschoolingBagus, keren dalam hal mengajar dan bermanfaat
FMIPA ITB 2018It helped me reaffirm and solve the questions that I had in class which I never got the chance to ask and some of it are superficial but hard to understand. The lecturer emphasize strong foundation over memorizement of questions so the students can tackle any variety of the questions much more nimbly.
FTI ITB 2020Lebih paham materi, lebih mengerti konsep
SITH-R ITB 2018Saya jadi lebih gampang paham materi
FTTM ITB 2020Great tutor.
FITB ITB 2018Since my tutors are young so their language is easy to be understood so i understand the material more and they gave tips how to face first year in univ.
FMIPA ITB 2018ELC membantuku mendapat IP di atas 3,5 , latihan soal lengkap dan tutor yg sangat helpful
FTI ITB 2020Nilaiku naik.
SF ITB 2017The question bank really helped me. And it's great that i can find some tutors that are expert on every subject (MAFIKI) and very helpful in tutoring
FTSL ITB 2020ELC banyak membantu saya dalam mengerjakan soal dan mendalami materi yang terlewatkan di kelas perkuliahan, dengan tutor yang berkualitas materi TPB dapat saya mengerti
FITB ITB 2020ELC helped me a lot to learn properly and prepare exam better. Very recommended.
SITH-S ITB 2018I really hate Physics, but I can solve all the subjects question because of ELC.
FITB ITB 2017Setelah les di ELC, nilai saya terbantu terutama di fisika karena saya menjadi lebih mengerti konsep dan ada tempat untuk saya bertanya hal-hal yang saya tidak mengerti.
FTI ITB 2017Help me to feel better when I cant understand the lecturer at class.
FTSL ITB 2018ELC helps me to understand better about the subjects that are taught.
Kristian Kevin
FTI ITB 2018Tutor nya seru.
SAPPK ITB 2017Sangat membantu buat memahami kembali materi dosen yang belum ngerti.
Naja Safira
FTSL ITB 2019ELC helps me to prepare my homework, quiz, and exam.
FMIPA ITB 2018Alhamdulillaah bisa meningkat dr yg semester 1 amburadul bgt nilainya karena ga ikut les apa apa jd lumayan hehe.
FTTM ITB 2019Aku suka les disini soalnya tutornya jelasinnya jelas banget. udah gitu ngatur jadwalnya juga gampang, mereka paham materi apa yang dipelajari.
SBM ITB 2023The teacher is fast respond and helpful because we can ask questions even though it's not during the class.
STEI ITB 2020Pada saat mendekati kuis ataupun ujian bimbel ELC membantu sekali memperkuat konsep dan mengerjakan ujian dengan lancar.
FTSL ITB 2018Dengan tutor di ELC saya jadi lebih mengerti materi yang diajarkan di kelas dan bisa mengerjakan tutorial dari dosen dengan bimbingan langsung. Saya juga sangat terbantu saat sebelum akan ujian karena review terlebih dahulu dengan tutor.
FTMD ITB 2018Terimakasih ELC untuk bantuan memperjelas dan mengajarkan ulang materi-materi yang kita dapat dikelas maupun materi baru yang belum pernah diajarkan sebelumnya, ELC sangat membantu masa TPB saya, terlebih lagi dengan tutor yang asik dan penjelasan yang diberikan tutor sangat dapat dimengerti. Terimakasih..
FTI ITB 2019Bisa milih guru tutornya sendiri dan tempat yg nyaman sesuai yg kita mau. Para tutornya sangat kompeten dan sabar dalam mengajarkan materi.
FTI ITB 2018ELC membuat saya mudah mengerti dan tutor-tutornya banyak pilihan dan enak-enak ngajarnya. Terus admin ELC nya juga sangat interaktif, aktif nanya bagaimana setelah tutor impresinya dan di evaluasi.
FTTM ITB 2019Saat semester satu, nilai MAFIKI saya kurang baik bahkan ada yang ujian perbaikan (dibawah C). Namun setelah mengikuti les di ELC indeks saya meningkat.
FTI ITB 2019Membantu di Fisika nya
FTI ITB 2017Although I am not a genius person which can receive almost all of the material of learning. I am so excited by the learning in ELC that make me easily understand the material.
SITH-R ITB 2018The tutor was fun and really can help me achieve better score.
FTSL ITB 2018Bagus banget biasanya di kelas kurang pahamm sama materinya karena kan kemampuan sama temen beda ya jadi biasanya dosen cepet banget jelasinnya tapi di ELC bener-bener diajarin sampe paham banget
Teknik Industri UI 2020ELC helped me get better knowledge on what I'm learning
Teknik Elektro UI 2020The teacher's understanding of the materials is next level
Teknik Mesin ITS 2021ELC has helped me understand better the materials that I'm learning or I've learnt before. I got a pretty average marks but the tutoring helped because without tutoring I think I would've gotten a low marks.
Manajemen UNPAR 2021ELC membantu saya menjawab soal-soal yang menurut saya susah
STEI ITB 2021Selama belajar di ELC saya merasa lebih mudah memahami materi dan dalam mempersiapkan ujian juga sangat terbantu karena lebih memperdalam materi terkait dan diberi latihan soal.
FTTM ITB 2021Memberikan penjelasan materi dan contoh soal yang mudah dimengerti, dipahami, dan sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkan di kelas sehingga melatih kemampuan mengerjakan tugas, kuis, dan ujian. Dengan membantu meringankan beban mata kuliah yang diajarkan di ELC, saya dapat membagi waktu dan memfokuskan belajar mandiri pada mata kuliah yang tidak diajarkan di ELC.
STEI ITB 2021ELC have a lot of qualified tutor for many subjects. Since the first meeting, I feel comfortable to study here. The tutor is very professional, friendly, and also patience when they teach us. And the bank of question, the resume will help us in increase our knowledge for the topic. To be honest, the method during the class really improve our skill and help us in facing the exam. The class schedule is flexible, so dont worry to have a lot of activity beside the tutor class because the schedule will suit you.
FTTM ITB 2021ELC membantu saya untuk membantu menguasai materi dengan lebih baik lagi selama semester 1 TPB kemarin
FTMD ITB 2021Already good
FTTM ITB 2021Tiap sesinya dijelaskan mendapat pemahaman dan pemantapan dari yang di kelas
FTTM ITB 2021It helped me to understand the things that I wouldn't understand in class
FTMD ITB 2021ELC sangat membantu saya dalam pemahaman materi Kalkulus dan Fisika dan membantu saya dalam mengejar materi. Mungkin, apabila saya tidak ikut ELC, saya akan mengulang matkul tersebut.
STEI ITB 2021ELC really helped me to get better grade, I really mean it. I’m not a person who can focus on class so in ELC I can remembered and memorized what I missed in class.
FTTM ITB 2021For the offline tutor it is helpful to make me understand the lesson
FTTM ITB 2021ELC really helped me understanding material that sometimes hard to understand in the class and it give me some tips and trick on how to deal with tricky questions.
STEI ITB 2021Yang paling aku rasain selama belajar di ELC selama satu semester ini tuh semua tutornya selalu nekenin terkait pemahaman konsep dari setiap materi dan itu ngebantu banget buat pemahaman aku terkait materi itu dan juga ngebantu aku sendiri buat ngerjain berbagai tipe soal
FTSL-G ITB 2021Membantu memotivasi belajar dengan pengajaran kakak tutor yang lebih mudah dimengerti daripada dosen di kelas
FMIPA ITB 2021It allows me to understand what I dont understand at class, and asks what I can’t ask at class (kuliah)
FMIPA ITB 2021ELC membuat saya jadi paham materi perkuliahan, apalagi yang dari SMA ke kuliah materinya dapat dijelaskan dengan baik
FTTM ITB 2021Tutor ELC enak banget ngajarnya, materinya juga mencakup semua yang diajar sama dosen, bank soal juga udah bagus banget
FMIPA ITB 2021I really hate the Physics material (especially about the electricity), but I got AB on this semester (last semester, I only got B even I loved the material) because the tutor from ELC, thankyouuu ELC.
FTSL ITB 2021ELC is very good learning center for any level of students i think. For me especially ELC help me getting ready to face the quiz or final exams with an excellent tutor and very very solid on substance that ignite me to study harder and regularly.
FTTM ITB 2021ELC helped me and my friends to get into our preffered major and it really helped me understands the subject easier because I'm not that smart and it really simplified the learning process with the help of the amazing tutors and staff
SITH-R ITB 2021ELC helped me to know more about the materials, but for the exams I think I have to more do the exercices and explore any types of the questions that perhaps will be occur in the exams.
FMIPA ITB 2021Tutor ELC membantu dalam memahami materi yang belum dipahami di kelas & membantu pr, kuis, maupun ujian saya.
STEI ITB 2021Jadi lebih paham konsep dan lebih banyak tau tipe-tipe soal
SITH-R ITB 2021Truly good tutors here explained materials better than my lecturer in class which helped me have better grade.
SITH-R ITB 2021ELC helps me in studying, especially in doing tutorial, which are often used as homework by my lecturers. The tutors are also good, and understand the material being taught, so that the teaching to students is good. ELC location for offline is near campus, it feels effective.
FTSL ITB 2021Materi-materi yang diberikan oleh ELC membantu saya dalam akademik TPB saya. Mulai dari tutor, hingga kunci jawaban soal-soal untuk mengecek jawaban setelah latihan soal.
FMIPA ITB 2021ELC has made me understand deeper about the topic that I was lacking on. I also had a better idea of how to solve a problem that I am stuck on. Not only that, it has many questions bank so I'm more exposed with experience to solve many different types of questions
SITH-S ITB 2021Banyak soal-soal yang dibahas secara terstruktur jadi lebih ngerti buat belajar ujian
Tek. Lingkungan ITB 2021ELC helped me a lot to understand the lesson, especially the concept. Maybe, if I didn't join ELC, my grades would be lower than my recent grades :"). Thanks ELC!.
FITB ITB 2021ELC ngebantu banget buat makin paham soal materi yang dipelajari di kelas!
SF ITB 2021Ada beberapa materi yang tidak tau menjadi tau
FTI ITB 2021Menurut saya, ELC membantu apalagi ketika mepet ujian, soal-soalnya sangat membantu untuk ujian
FTSL ITB 2021With ELC I have more knowledge, more understanding
Tek. Perminyakan ITB 2021ELC helped me by give me the best tutor so I can understand my courses better
SBM ITB 2021Based on my personal experience. ELC has helped me improve my understanding and helped me get better scores for my courses.
Tek. Kimia ITB 2021ELC has helped me a lot in understanding deeper concepts through a teaching method that is easily adapted to. ELC has also helped me in doing more practice and questions, making myself familiar with future tests.
Tek. Kimia ITB 2021ELC helped a lot. Especially the Chemistry Tutor, I got a high score in Chemistry thanks to him.
FMIPA ITB 2021ELC mampu membantu saya untuk mengerti pelajaran. Layanan yang baik dan sikap profesional tutor juga sudah ditampakkan sejauh ini.
FTTM ITB 2021It really helps me a lot with my academic life
SITH-R ITB 2021It's help me to solve problem in math physics and chemistry
FTI ITB 2021ELC help me to understood the lesson so I can pass exam
FTI ITB 2021I feel that ELC is such a big help in understanding the material. If i don't join ELC, i think my grades would have been worse
FTTM ITB 2021Merasa sangat terbantu dengan keberadaan tutor yang membantu aku menyelesaikan problem atau soal yang sulit hingga aku berhasil mendapatkan pemahaman yang baik dan nilai yang memuaskan.
FTSL ITB 2021Guru yang mengajar memahami materi dengan baik terutama dalam membahas soal-soal. Selain itu, sistem belajar yang digunakan berupa rangkuman sehingga cocok untuk kita yang ingin sks.
SAPPK ITB 2021Seru banget ngajarnya dan juga fun fun gurunya
FTTM ITB 2021Penjelasan tutor sangat enak dan mudah sekali dipahami, materi yang terlihat sangat sulit di kelas ternyata masih bisa dipahami jika dijelaskan tutor, awal targetku untuk semester 1 dan 2 adalah hanya lulus saja namun alhamdulillah untuk semester 1 aku dapat lebih dari sekedar lulus, ELC sangat sangat membantu
STEI ITB 2021It helps me understand the materials that I don't understand in class. Also help me doing my homework or project. I pass the exam completely without taking remedial exams. Thank you very much.
SITH-S ITB 2021ELC bagi aku adalah suatu solusi untuk memahami materi dan soal lebih baik daripada mencoba memahaminya sendiri
FMIPA ITB 2022ELC give me tutor that can improve and develop my knowledge about Science (Math,Physics,Chem) that I have studied at campus
FTTM ITB 2022Pelajarannya sangat sesuai dan gampang untuk dicerna karena tutornya sangat membantu
FTMD ITB 2022Seruuuu. Bisa dingertiin semua ajarannya, pernah les semester 1 di bimbel lain tapi ga se-struktur dan sebagus ini
FITB ITB 2022Semester 2 banyak yang bilang susah, tapi Alhamdulillah gara-gara ELC jadi naik nilaiku dan jadi lebih semangat belajar karna ada yang ngajarin
FITB ITB 2022Lebih mempunyai banyak soal sehingga persiapan lebih matang
FTMD ITB 2022ELC helped me understand concepts I couldn't understand on my own, and provided practice questions that helped me
Teknik Sipil ITB 2022My GPA really improved a lot since last year, mostly because all of the tutor in ELC really comprehend with my studying method and can bring the most out of it
FTTM ITB 2022Lebih mendapatkan nilai yang meningkat dibanding semester 1
FITB ITB 2022Tutor ELC bantu banget untuk memahami materi yang dikelas karna kadang di kelas ga terstruktur pembelajaran materinya.
FTSL ITB 2022In the class, lecturer's teaching tempo is rapid and sometimes made me didn't fully understand. So, later in ELC I will ask something to the teacher and they give the explanation that helped me to understand the material.
FMIPA ITB 2022Sangat membantu pemahaman materi sehingga berpengaruh baik juga terhadap nilai yang diperoleh
SF ITB 2022Guru-guru di ELC sangat baik dan sangat responsif dalam menjawab berbagai pertanyaan, baik saat kegiatan les berlangsung maupun via chat
FTI ITB 2022ELC is enough to help me in carrying out the lecture. I used to study independently, but the tutoring can be more convincing the understanding I had learned before. Especially Mathematics, maybe because I like Math and coincidentally I got a good tutor, my grade has increased drastically.
FTSL ITB 2022Karena ELC saya bisa survive di TPB dengan hasil yang cukup memuaskan
SAPPK ITB 2022ELC membantu saya mengetahui tujuan pembelajaran dari suatu materi sehingga saya lebih terarah ketika belajar mandiri karena sudah tahu apa saja yang harus dipelajari. Tutornya ramah, selalu menjawab pertanyaan, memberi latihan soal dengan macam-macam tipe soal, dan menjelaskan logika berpikir dalam menyelesaikan soal.
FMIPA ITB 2022ELC helped me understand material for subjects that I struggled to pass
FTMD ITB 2022The tutors at ELC assist in comprehension by teaching the most essential things needed by the students
FMIPA ITB 2022Sangat baik, menjadi lebih mudah untuk survive di TPB, penjelasan jauh lebih baik dibandingkan dosen
FMIPA-M ITB 2022Saat tutoring Matematika dengan tutor ELC setelah sesi kelas saya selalu paham dan terbukti adanya peningkatan nilai dari semester satu pada mata kuliah Matematika
FMIPA ITB 2022Semenjak masuk ELC saya jadi lebih tertarik untuk latihan soal lebih banyak lagi and that way helped me a lot
FTSL ITB 2022ELC helped me prepare for my exams and understand the materials better. Because of ELC, i could pass math and physics subjects for this semester
SAPPK ITB 2022It helped me to understand some materials that I did not understand in the class. I started learn in ELC in the 2nd semester and it really increased my grade
SITH-S ITB 2022I feel ELC helped to more understanding some material and recalling memories some materials that I've been learning. So it's helps me to convinced me that I can
SITH-S ITB 2022Pada saat ujian terasa lebih mudah mengerti karena sudah sering dibahas saat les di ELC
FTTM ITB 2022The teacher allows the student to try and think for the problems and it is practiced well.
FTSL ITB 2022Cara mengajar yang perlahan dengan menjelaskan materinya terlebih dahulu membantu aku banget untuk memahami materi secara lebih baik, serta soal-soal yang diberikan juga bermanfaat.
FTI ITB 2022ELC bantu aku banget buat belajar selama TPB ini, aku bisa lebih ngerti lagi materinya, juga bisa nanya-nanya kalau ada soal yang sulit
FMIPA-M ITB 2022Les di ELC membantu saya mengerti pelajaran yang saya tidak mengerti di sekolah, terutama Matematika. Apalagi soal yang diberi ELC mirip. Ada peningkatan dari pemahaman saya terhadap materi dan membantu saya lulus matkul.
FTMD ITB 2022ELC really help me to improve my score during my college life and my knowledge is getting better after joined ELC
FTTM ITB 2022Karena dosen saya ada yang beberapa tidak menerangkan materi, ELC ini membantu mengejar materi yang tidak diterangkan tersebut
SAPPK ITB 2022Tutornya seru-seru dan alumni ITB juga, ga ragu nanya dan mudah dimengerti cara ajarnya, terbantu banget belajar disinii, kadang di kelas suka kurang ngerti tapi karena cara ajar dosen dan tutor berbeda, dengan dibantu tutor lebih mengerti
FTSL ITB 2022ELC sangat membantu saya dalam memahami materi perkuliahan
SF ITB 2022Tutor di ELC membantu saya memahami materi secara lebih baik lagi sehingga dapat menaikkan nilai-nilai saya.
FMIPA-M ITB 2022Membantu banget buat ngertiin konsep dan penalaran soal
FTMD ITB 2022Besides studying at ELC, tutors at ELC also always give tips to survive at TPB and get good grades even though I'm not as smart as other students at ITB
FTTM ITB 2022Pengajar membahas topik yang kami butuhkan dan bersama menyelesaikan latihan soal agar paham
SITH-S ITB 2022Sangat membantu mendapat Fisika indeks A
FTMD ITB 2022The teachers really helped me on understanding the concept and doing the exam questions
FMIPA ITB 2022ELC helped my studies that i don't understand in class and helped me study for my test
SAPPK ITB 2022Bisa nanya (langsung, berantai, dan berulang) ke kakaknya kalo gangerti, soalnya kalau di kelas kadang agak malu soalnya isi kelasnya banyak.
SAPPK ITB 2022ELC tutor really helped me to get a grasp on the concept of each subject which makes me understand the materials deeper and easier to answer hard questions
FTSL ITB 2022Tutor ELC bahasanya lebih mudah dipahami daripada dosen di kelas sehingga lebih mengerti
FMIPA-M ITB 2022ELC sangat membantu untuk pendalaman materi kuliah agar lebih baik lagi
FTMD ITB 2022ELC helps me to be more systematic in studying and organizing my academics, it means that I know more about which subject matter I need to study further (right after the ELC tutoring class)
STEI-R ITB 2022Aku ikut ELC hanya untuk Matematika dan Fisika persiapan UTS dan UAS, dan alhamdulillah nilainya bagus bagus hehehe
STEI-R ITB 2022ELC helped me understand material that I don't understand previously
SITH-S ITB 2022Nilai diatas target
FMIPA ITB 2022Tutor ELC membantu pemahaman ku
SF ITB 2022It's really helpfull joining ELC
FTTM ITB 2022Sangat membantu proses TPB karena bisa jadi lebih ngerti matkul
FITB ITB 2022Membantu dalam materi yang belum dipahami. Guru-gurunya juga sangat profesional, memahami materi dengan pakem.
FMIPA-M ITB 2022Setiap ada bimbel sebelum ujian pasti membahas soal-soal tahun lalu dan itu sangat membantu pemahaman sehingga saat ujian terbantu
FTMD ITB 2022Sangat membantu dalam proses belajar, karena jadwalnya fleksibel jadi lebih enak
FTSL ITB 2022ELC membantu saya untuk dapat nilai lebih besar
FTTM ITB 2022ELC membantu saya dalam memahami setiap mata kuliah yang kurang saya pahami di kampus terlebih lagi Matematika, Fisika, Kimia
FTSL ITB 2022Dengan mendapatkan penjelasan yang lebih mudah dipahami membuat saya lebih paham terhadap materi tersebut
FMIPA-IPA ITB 2022ELC helps me to understand the material and do the tutorial exercise. The tutor really helps me a lot, he doesn't get frustrated when I asked too many questions.
SBM ITB 2022ELC makes me more understand the lessons that I do not understand
FITB ITB 2022Les di ELC itu enak banget, teachernya juga fun dan kalo ngajar bisa lebih mudah paham, terus kalo mau ada les di bukan harinya ayo aja teachernya kalo lagi kosong jadwalnya. ELC ini juga ngebantu banget buat ngertiin matkul-matkul yang susah.
Khansa Shafiyah
Matematika UB 2022ELC sangat membantu dalam memahami materi pelajaran dan membahas soal-soal. Jadwalnya dibebaskan sehingga kita dapat menyesuaikan dengan jadwal kuliah.
FTI ITB 2022Penjelasan nya mudah dipahami bagi saya, dan kakak tuturnya menjelaskan dengan sabar hingga siswa paham betul materi yang disampaikan
FTMD ITB 2022ELC is very good. I recommended this course especially for TPB student. The materials are given so relate. I swear this course very helpful in understanding the TPB material
FMIPA ITB 2022ELC helped me get ready for my exams by giving me materials and their tutors teaching me
FTMD ITB 2022Saya jadi lebih paham nilai juga jadi meningkat lumayan bagus
SITH-S ITB 2022I learn more about how to answer some questions
FMIPA-M ITB 2022ELC membantu memahami materi yang sulit terutama menjelang ujian
FTSL ITB 2022Membantu jika kesulitan dalam mengerjakan soal/pr ada tutor yang siap membantu
FTTM ITB 2022ELC baik dalam memberikan pengajaran ulang terhadap materi perkuliahan sehingga konsep tertanam lebih kuat
FTMD ITB 2022ELC has many helpful, fun, and informative tutors to help us grow, combined with decent questions from ELC, definitely helped me to understand material better
FMIPA ITB 2022The ELC tutors really emphasized and engrained concepts simplifying them
SF ITB 2022Sangat terbantu dan mudah dipahami
FTSL ITB 2022I feel that ELC helps me a lot when I'm in a hurry to answer the question that I missed on but overall it's actually okay.
FMIPA-M ITB 2022Because the age gap of the tutors and us is not that big, we can understand their explanation more easily.
FMIPA ITB 2022Before I join this program, my scores were not great and did not satisfy me. But then I found out that some of the others joined this program and it improved their grades, so I decided to give it a try. Even tough I join this program not that long, I pretty much increased my grades and I am so grateful to join.The teacher helps me understand more in the lesson and makes me more focused on my obligations overall
IGCSE, Penabur International SchoolELC really exceeded my expectations. Lessons with them will always result in deeper understanding and confidence in the subject. They give the confidence boost to excel in the respective subject. I am thankful to have tutors form ELC to help me achieve academic success with their intelligence, friendliness, patience and also, their drive to help their students to achieve more not only in school but also in life!.
A level, Bina Bangsa SchoolI am really thankful for ELC teachers and the lesson given. I was able to understand much more in just a while because of them. I definitely grew stronger in my Chemistry and A-Maths. I am much more confident for doing IGCSE now.
IGCSE, Bina Bangsa SchoolFor me ELC is really a good place to have a lesson and it helps in your education. I think most of my subjects would have gotten grades lower than I expected if I wouldn't have joined ELC
A Level, Bina Bangsa SchoolI started taking lesson with ELC in mid August and it really helped me to get the scores in AS level that I would not have been able to get without the help of ELC. I didn't realize how much I had learned from the lesson until I forced myself to put into practice. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have lesson in ELC, because as a result of it, I gained a lot of valuable knowledge and grew the confidence to face new challenges.
AS Level, Bina Bangsa SchoolI think it is great helpful and it helps a lot
IGCSE, Stamford School BandungIt helps me a alot when there are several question that takes up time to answer- time efficient for doing homework, so I can directly use my spare time to study for the upcoming test.
A level, Penabur International SchoolI was struggling at Maths and getting bad grades, but after having lessons with ELC, my grade improved a lot.
SMPK 1 BPK PenaburThe teacher in ELC is nice, explains everything very detail, very well and helptul. Since I join the lesson in ELC, I improve myself in school. I got better score than before. The teacher has not let me down but motivates me so I can improve and get better score. The teacher has work very hard for me so I can succeed. The teacher makes everything that I learn much easier and clear. The teacher really put effort on teaching me. I think ELC teacher is very good to help someone in need. I have no doubt on having a tutor with ELC.
A level, Penabur International SchoolSangat terbantu dalam persiapan menghadapi ujian A level. Para guru yang tergabung dalam ELC sangat profesional, on time dan menguasai materi yang diajarkan. Terimakasih ELC atas semua supportnya.
A level, Bina Bangsa School Kb. Jeruk