Providing best tutors and courses in Bandung, Jakarta, Depok, Jatinangor, and other cities for university level (TPB ITB, UI, UNPAD, UGM, other universities), SNBT, Seleksi Sekolah Kedinasan (IPDN, AKMIL, AKPOL, STAN, etc), Cambridge A level/IGCSE/Primary, IB PYP/MYP/SL/HL, SAT, TOEFL & homeschooling
We are available to teach privately at student’s house, public place or our facilities. Students can choose the lesson either for private or group.
We also provide online tutoring for any students from all over Indonesia.
ELC consists of professional tutors and trainers from top universities & reputable institutions, local and expat, experienced, who have high GPA, trained and certified in their field.
Tutors for college students from all univ. (ITB, UI, UGM, UNPAD, UPH, etc)
Preparation class & bootcamp for SNBT & Seleksi Mandiri PTN (SIMAK UI, SM-ITB, UM-CBT UGM, SMUP UNPAD, etc)
Intensive preparation class & bootcamp for SPCP IPDN / Seleksi AKPOL / AKMIL / SPMB PKN STAN / etc.
Intensive preparation class & bootcamp for SAT / NTU / NUS / MIT / etc.
Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) & International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum
Indonesian curriculum for PAUD, SD, SMP, SMA, to help students prepare for exam
Preparation classes for international standardized test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers
Educating children at home for optimal progress and meet their specific needs, instead of sending them to traditional school
Obtain outstanding results, A grades in exams & were top scorer in class
TPB ITB & other university students got cumlaude GPA (many of them are students of 4.00 GPA / perfect score), A scores and enter their desired major
Successful in entering top universities / institutions in Indonesia & the world.
Our ultimate proud is their achievements. We are committed in helping students to be successful in their academics.
Calculus, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Business Mathematics, etc
Physics, Biology, Chemistry
Economics, Geography, History, Sociology
English, Indonesian, Mandarin, etc
Phyton, C++, C#, R, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Java, Jquery, SQL, etc
Civic Education, Psychotest, Scholastic, Business Studies, Accounting, ICT, Art, Music, etc
Private sessions offer intense individual assistance. The lesson can be located at our class, campus/school, library, cafe or student's house. Student may arrange schedule with the teacher based on their available time. Private tutoring is preferrable for student who needs quiet learning environment and more individual attention from teacher.
Group tutoring offers lower cost than private tutoring. Students have enormous advantages to interact with friends. Maximum member for small group is 5 students, thus enables every student to focus on the lesson easily. For those who feel comfortable with bigger class and prefer very low price, we also provide large group (6 to 15 students), called as HEPI program (HEmat tapi PIntar).
Some people think that the most effective learning method is face-to-face. Student may easily understand teacher's explanation by the gestures, voices, intonation, and direct paper writing. They also can ask anything or focus on the courses without any distraction or hindered by poor connection.
To prevent COVID-19 viruses spreading and conform with pandemic situation, ELC also provided online tutoring services using web conference platform. Student & teacher don't have to travel anywhere, but stay at their own place, thus can save time and transportation cost. Moreover, ELC will also provide lesson video recordings, so students may review the lesson later.
Experienced tutors and teachers from top universities, local and expat, who have high GPA, trained and certified as teacher
Our students are satisfied and happy to our tutoring services. Most of them get better grades in class, got A score and enter their desired university/campus/major.
Indeks jadi meningkat, jadi lebih paham materi, bisa ngerjain soal HOTS, IP tentu jadi naik jauh bgt.
FTSL ITB 2019ELC helped me to understand the concepts in calculus and physics.
STEI ITB 2020Tutornya baik-baik dan menjelaskan materi dengan cara yang mudah tapi tetap menekankan konsep sehingga mempermudah saya dalam memahami materi dan mengerjakan ujian
SAPPK ITB 2022In class, the lecturer usually focus more on explaining the materials. ELC really helps to mentor on direct question about materials explained.
FMIPA-M ITB 2022ELC helped me get through a lot of assignments and tests because the tutors taught me very well to understand the concepts of each subject so that I was better prepared to answer various types of lecturer questions
FTSL ITB 2022ELC tutors are very patient and they really teach every material thoroughly and in a sistematic way. They created a comfortable learning experience too, so I never feel ashamed or scared to ask questions. So far ELC has helped me through all of my TPB tests pretty well.
FTI ITB 2022Alhamdulillah IP saya naik pesat. Beberapa matkul indeksnya naik. Dan ada satu matkul yg saya tidak yakin dapat A, Alhamdulillah dapat A berkat les di ELC
FTMD ITB 2022Les di ELC membantu saya dalam memahami materi kuliah karena pilihan jadwal dan tutornya fleksibel, jadi lesnya bisa lebih sesuai kebutuhan dan cara belajar kita.
STEI ITB 2021I think ELC help me a lot to get me a bettter grade
FTTM ITB 2021Ikut les di ELC membuat saya menjadi paham berbagai konsep untuk menjawab suatu soal dan materi. Dengan mengikuti les di ELC juga membuat saya jadi tidak malas belajar dan menjadi motivasi saya untuk belajar
FTTM ITB 2020Qualified tutors, concept based explanations, challenging practice questions
FMIPA ITB 2020ELC has a lot of good tutor and material sources to help the student in learning the subject.
FITB ITB 2019I couldnt really pay attention in my classes because I cant study if theres too many people in the room so I really rely on ELC for my study, it turns out that I am more comfortable to study in ELC rather than in class
SBM ITB 2022Membantu menjawab soal yang belum bisa dijawab
Tek. Kimia UGM 2022ELC membantu saya dalam mempersiapkan ujian-ujian
Tek. Mesin UGM 2022Belajar di ELC seru banget. Kakak kakak pengajarnya sangat berpengalaman dan super perhatian mau ngejelasin dengan sabar dan berulang kali. Cara menjelaskannya juga mudah dipahami dan banyak latihan soal yang di kasih sesuai materi kuliah dasar
Biologi UGM 2021First of all, the course helped me to understand earlier (before the class) about the material. I also got many ways to solve my homework which I didn't know about the way I have to do it. Last, I also prepared for the exams because of the course.
Sistem Informasi UI 2022ELC tutors were very understanding and patient tutor, they helped us understand hard concepts
Matematika UI 2022Pemahaman tentang materi menjadi lebih mendalam, lebih bisa menyelesaikan model-model soal, terutama UTS dan UAS
Ilmu Aktuaria UI 2022ELC is helping me to recall my memory about the subjects that given in the class
Tek. Mesin UI 2022I see tutoring as a time to study because I don't want 24 hours of my day goes something like: classes, tutoring, self study. By tutoring we can review or advance in the material and luckily the tutors of ELC can explain the concept of the material clearly so I did not only get like answers to homeworks but also understand the what to do and the concept of the materials.
Teknik Industri UI 2020ELC sangat baik untuk menunjang kita terutama mahasiswa baru untuk bisa mengerti materi yang nantinya akan dipelajari dan juga tips dan trick saat mengerjakan tugas
Teknik Lingkungan UI 2020I love learning with ELC because I can understand the lesson and I get a good score. Without ELC, I cant pass this semester
Teknik Elektro UI 2020Sangat membantu, apalagi menjelang ujian. Materi-materi juga dijelaskan secara konseptual sehingga mudah dipahami
Teknik Industri UI 2020At the beginning I'm a freshman who doesn't know anything about my major and got stuck in it. Then I met ELC, I felt like I found a hidden gem because previously I was very frustrated with my major but now I can understand the material and more excited to learn
Instrumentasi UNIBRAW 2021The tutors are great teachers and they are the reason I understand the materials needed.
SMAN 5 Surabaya